- DanceSport
- CoffeeScript
- NW
- jQuery
- Stylus
Tracking Dance Sport results
CVDS is a french Dance Sport club located near Lyon, counting more than three hundred members. During the season, one person is in charge of establishing progress of every couple, asking everyone to send their results after a competition.
Results can be found on the French national league (FFDS) web site for local competitions and on the World Dance Sport Federation (WDSF) web site for international competitions.
Palmarès dance results aggregator
To ease this painful task, and also to provide other dancers a way to track their friends' progression, I made the Palmarès desktop application.
With a simple button, Palmarès gets the latests competitions results from FFDS and WDSF.
Then it allows to track a list of couples, that can be added (and removed) one by one, or in batch from their belonging club. For each couple, it displays their competitions with rankings.
A button allows to export couple or club results into an Excel file.
Technologies involved
Palmarès is a Node Webkit application written in CoffeeScript.
FFDS results are crawled with Cheerio (a pure-JS DOM library), WDSF results are parsed from CSV files. A plugin simple architecture was mad to allow provider addition.
In fact, some adjustments have to be made every year, because provider’s web page structure is evolving.
UI is simply done with jQuery (no need of MVC library) and Twitter’s Bootstrap. Stylus is used as CSS preprocessor.
The build chain is sustained by Gulp, including CoffeeScript and Stylus transpilation, automated testing with Mocha, Chai and a fixture web server with Express.
Github repository
Sources can be found on Github.